
Amazon’s Last Mile group needed a complete redesign of their website to attract new users to the Delivery Service Partner program. The request was to review the existing site with fresh eyes and zero assumptions, determine where people could be dropping off and why, get users to want to sign up, and to revamp and rebuild the website from the ground up.

Working closely with a small and mighty team that included a copywriter, UX researcher, visual designer, and a developer, the site design went through four iterations and several rounds of testing, starting with a rethinking of the user journey and site architecture, before moving on to wire framing, and high-fidelity, click-through prototypes with both user needs and business goals in mind.


Amazon (Last Mile group)

what I did

Lead designer / UX / IA / Project management


Before the redesign could begin, I did a deep audit of the existing site which revealed several major problems, any one of which could be enough for a visitor to leave the site:

  1. A frustrating user journey that put barriers between the visitor and most information
  2. A “Learn More” button that took the user to a form, rather than a page where they could read about the program
  3. An inaccurately labeled “Start Now” button, that took the user to a marketing page
  4. Hidden financial information

Several moderate issues were also uncovered, such as a circular link that dropped the visitor back onto the same page, an uninspiring webinars page, and links to relevant documents buried in paragraphs of copy.


The first round of user testing with the site confirmed what was uncovered during the audit. Path was unclear, process was not accurate, critical tools were hidden, site became less useful once visitor applied, and most importantly, the Start Now page did not support the user goal and the Learn More button was a roadblock to information. A roadmap to build the new site was now in place: show challenges DSPs go through, make the site useful beyond initial application, add in better forms and tools, and clearly define the user journey.